Point Reyes National Seashore – The Adventure Begins

California Quail male feeding - Point Reyes National Seashore

Hmmm, can’t say I have heard of that place. So, I Googled Point Reyes to see where it was located, before I filled out the job application. It is on the coast of the Pacific Ocean, north of San Francisco. The job announcement was for a seasonal position with the National Park Service; specifically, being a tractor operator with the trails crew. So, I applied. I never did hear from the trails crew but I did hear from the road crew. I accepted the position and began planning for a 6-month seasonal job in California.

I packed up and left Carroll, Iowa, on June 17th to make the 1775-mile journey. Since my first work day is June 24th, I had a full week to make the trip and get checked into my apartment. I spent the next three nights in Green River, Wyoming, with my brother Tim.

Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge is upriver from the town of Green River (and yes, on the Green River). I spent two days photographing on the refuge. Wild horses inhabit the vicinity. Sure enough, I found a small herd watering at the river late afternoon. As they came up the sage-covered bluff, I was able to photograph them.

Brown wild horse on Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge
Wild horses can be found in the Green River, WY, area. A small band tends to hang out around Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge. Sony a9 & 1.4x teleconverter + 100-400mm lens @200 mm, ISO 400, f/8.0, 1/1600s. ©Stanley Buman. All Rights Reserved.

I departed Green River Thursday morning, and headed to California. It was I-80 the whole way; well, except for a slight detour down to Lake Tahoe. It was beautiful. I took time to stick my feet in a mountain stream. My brother Tom was in Sacramento for meetings. So, I spent the night with him.

I arrived at Point Reyes National Seashore headquarters around 12:30 p.m. Friday and met my boss. My apartment is about a 50-minute drive (20 miles), on the west side of the park; right next to the Pacific Ocean (more about this in another post). One of the first interesting birds I saw on the way in was a California Quail. I knew they inhabited the park but did not know how abundant they were.

I spent 4 hours exploring part of the park Saturday morning. The Quail was my favorite image of the day.

California Quail male feeding - Point Reyes National Seashore
California Quail are quite common at Point Reyes National Seashore. The head plume appears as a single feather but is actually composed of a cluster of 6 overlapping feathers.  Sony a9 & 1.4x teleconverter + 100-400mm lens @560 mm, ISO 640, f/8.0, 1/1250s. ©Stanley Buman. All Rights Reserved.
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